FWC issues executive order with new CWD regulations for 2024-25 deer season

On April 11, the FWC issued a new executive order outlining regulations designed to increase sampling and slow the spread of chronic wasting disease in Florida deer. Existing regulations pertaining to the establishment of the CWD Management Zone, prohibition of rehabilitating or releasing injured or orphaned deer, feeding restrictions, and prohibition of exporting high-risk parts remain in effect. New regulations include:

  • The feeding of deer within the CWD Management Zone shall be allowed only during the deer hunting season in Zone D.
  • The take of antlerless deer shall be allowed during the entire deer season in Deer Management Unit D2.
  • Up to three antlerless deer, as part of the statewide annual bag limit of five, may be taken in DMU D2.

These new regulations do not apply to wildlife management areas. To view the new Executive Order and its amendment, visit MyFWC.com/About, and click on “Office of the Executive Director.” For a map of Hunting Zone D, visit MyFWC.com/Deer, and click on “Deer Management Units.”

The FWC is asking anyone who sees a sick, abnormally thin deer or finds a deer dead from unknown causes to call the CWD hotline, 866-CWD-WATCH (866-293-9282) and report the animal’s location.

For more information, visit MyFWC.com/CWD.

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/704455872/fwc-issues-executive-order-with-new-cwd-regulations-for-2024-25-deer-season
Images courtesy of https://pixabay.com

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