2024 Storm Readiness Guide for Cultural Groups and Artists

Be prepared for the 2024 hurricane season

Hurricane season is June 1 through November 30, 2024. Now more than ever, it is important to review your hurricane preparedness plan to adapt quickly to a weather emergency. Below you will find important resources and information to help you take the necessary steps to be prepared before, during and after a storm.

2024 Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday
Ends Friday, June 14, 2024

The State of Florida’s 2024 Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday is underway! The sales tax extends through Friday, June 14, 2024. During this sales tax holiday period, qualifying items related to disaster preparedness are exempt from sales tax. Some examples of tax-free items include flashlights and lanterns costing $40 or less; coolers and portable power banks costing $60 or less; batteries and fuel tanks costing $50 or less; and generators costing $3,000 or less. The holiday also includes a number of items related to the safe evacuation of household pets and common household consumable items that may be helpful with disaster cleanup. For detailed information and a comprehensive list of qualifying items, please see the Department of Revenue’s Taxpayer Information Publication on the 2024 Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday.

Cultural Resources

There are a variety of tools and resources tailored for individual artists and nonprofit arts organizations when preparing for an emergency. The Arts & Business Council of Miami and CERF+ Craft Emergency Relief Fund, have prepared useful guides and compiled important contact and links we can share to help you be ready for an emergency.

Miami-Dade Readiness Guide and Resources

The Miami-Dade County’s Hurricane Readiness portal and guide provides detailed and comprehensive local storm preparation information for individuals and organizations all in one place.  Here you will find tips on the actions you should take before, during and after a storm impacts South Florida.  Here you will also find the latest guidelines and information regarding the activation of evacuation centers. You may access the portal by clicking here.

The Hurricane Door Hanger provides a quick graphic way to identify households that need assistance after the storm. You may download and print the Hurricane Door Hanger.

You can also follow Miami-Dade County on social media for hurricane updates:


The Ready MDC mobile application is now available to the public via Google Play for Android and the iOS App Store for iPhone. The mobile application allows Miami-Dade residents and visitors to get up-to-the minute information before, during and after a hurricane strike, including:

How to prepare for a hurricane
Areas that are in danger of storm surge
Evacuation center locations
Emergency bus pick-up sites
What to do with pets
Emergency evacuation & assistance information and much more

Miami-Dade Alerts

Staying informed during an imminent threat or emergency is critical in helping make the right decision. The Miami-Dade County Alerts system will notify you about public safety issues and weather advisories on your cell phone.

Alerts is a free service that enables County residents or visitors to receive emergency texts and/or emails regarding public safety issues, recommended public protective actions, or other emergency information. Sign up now.

Small Business Workshop
Disaster Recovery Workshop For Small Businesses

Is your business disaster-ready? Join the Miami-Dade Department of Emergency Management for a free workshop designed specifically for small businesses.

Participants will learn essential tips on disaster recovery, including information about Small Business Administration (SBA) disaster loan programs, available Miami-Dade county resources, insurance tips, networking opportunities and more.

Don’t miss out on this chance to enhance your business’s resilience and preparedness!
Thursday, June 13, 10 a.m. – Noon
South Dade Regional Library

Heritage Emergency National Task Force

The Heritage Emergency National Task Force (HENTF) is an organization co-sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Smithsonian Institution, which aims to protect the cultural heritage in our nation’s states, tribes, territories, and local communities from the damaging effects of natural disasters and other emergencies. The HENTF has prepared these tips for cultural stewards and emergency managers.


South Arts in partnership with the Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) have launched new dPlan|ArtsReady tool, a service that guides arts organizations through the creation of a readiness plan. ArtsReady takes an “all hazards” approach to planning: focusing on essential business needs so organizations can be prepared for any crisis. The tool walks users through a series of modules—Risk Assessment, Action Items, Critical Stuff, Reports, and Guides and Resources—that explore the critical business functions most arts and cultural organizations rely on every day to access during, or after a crisis. Read the 12 Must Haves to Build Your Readiness Plan.

Alliance for Response Miami

The Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs is a proud member of The Alliance for Response Miami. AFR Miami connects the arts community with the first responder and emergency management community in Miami-Dade and Monroe counties. An alliance of artists, museums, archives, libraries, galleries, cultural institutions, and emergency responders in the Miami-Dade and Monroe counties, AFR Miami provides a forum for information and communication to foster a cooperative approach to emergency management and cultural heritage protection. A Weather Ready Nation Ambassador for the National Weather Service, the Alliance for Response Miami works with arts groups, cultural institutions, and local emergency services to develop mutual understanding in advance of any emergency and/or disaster. For tips and resources to prepare before an emergency and/or disaster, please visit the webpageTwitter @afrsflorida and Facebook page.

The Department of Cultural Affairs will stay in touch with you to make it through Hurricane season. Please sign up for our regular news e-alerts here or visit our website, www.miamidadearts.org and click “Subscribe”.

For more information, culture@miamidade.gov. Thank you.
Para más información, culture@miamidade.gov. Gracias.
Pou plis enfomasyon, culture@miamidade.gov. Mèsi.

The most reliable way to contact us continues to be through email. You can find a staff directory at  https://www.miamidadearts.org/about/staff-councils.

It is the policy of Miami-Dade County to comply with all the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.  To request materials in accessible format, sign language interpreters, CART, and/or any accommodation to participate in any Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs program or meeting, please contact Francine Andersen at 305-375 4634  culture@miamidade.gov  at least five days in advance to initiate your request. TTY users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service).

Originally published at https://miamidadearts.org/news/2024-storm-readiness-guide-cultural-groups-and-artists

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