The trustees of Soul Survivor Watford, Soul Survivor and Soul61 have commissioned Fiona Scolding KC to lead a team to conduct an independent review following the conclusion of the National Safeguarding Team and Diocese of St Alban’s safeguarding investigation on the 6th September 2023 into Mike Pilavachi’s abuse over many years.
The independent review into the culture and practices of Soul Survivor as they relate to the allegations made concerning Mike Pilavachi is now underway and the terms of reference have been published here along with further information relating to the review.
We would invite anyone who has any information that they think would be relevant to the review to contact Fiona’s team directly at
We are keen that Fiona is given the time and information to be able to conduct a thorough and meaningful review. We are committed to publishing the report in full and implementing the recommendations. We anticipate the report will be published in the spring of 2024.
We recognise that this continues to be an extremely painful process, particularly for those who were subject to Mike’s abuse. Our hope is that this review demonstrates our unwavering commitment to learning from the mistakes of the past and can go some way to ensuring those experiences are not repeated.
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